Designer merchandise are expensive for the simple reason that they have spent years building value into their name. Just the name of a designer leaves a certain impression in our minds. When I say Gucci Indy handbag, what springs to your mind. Cheap, ordinary and tasteless? Absolutely not! You imagine a woman with style, wealth and sophistication carrying a designer bag that attracts envious stares and regular complements. A woman who is not afraid to be the center of attention. Therefore, if the designer handbag you want to buy is at a price that looks to good to be true, then it probably is.4. You will find that most authentic designer handbags have a signature logo on them. Authentic Prada handbags have a triangle metal logo attached to the front or side of their handbags. Real Fendi bags have the signature twin 'F' logo splashed across the handbag. Burberry has the signature plaids with a brown background.
Gucci have the signature G splashed all over their bags. If you notice a designer handbag with a funny looking logo, then this should immediately flash a red flag in your mind.5. As your authentic designer handbag collection grows, you will notice that most designer handbags will have their signature brand name monogram lining. This is true for Louis Vuitton handbags, Gucci purses, Prada handbags and Fendi purses. This is just a way for the designers to differentiate their merchandise from their competitors.6. This designer monogram is woven into the fabric. You will not find this with replica designer handbags. The linings are always smooth, silky and in some cases are even satin. The color of the lining depends on the outer color of the handbag and they always compliment each other. The lining on fake bags is usually a stiff fabric and no attention to detail is paid to the lining.
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